Tuesday 22 December 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Would Love Santa To Gift Me

I was one of those kids who believed in Santa for a really long time. Sometimes one of the downsides of being a third child is that people can just forget to tell you things that were relevant to their other two children. Like oh, Francesca's ten years old and still believes in Santa, right maybe it's time we addressed that issue. Anyway, the point of that little tangent is that today's Top Ten Tuesday is one my ten year old self (pre-Santa is not real discovery) would love because it involves asking Santa for books! So Santa, if you are reading (there's still a part of me that belieeeeves) here is what I woudn't mind you leaving under my tree on Christmas morning - obviousy not all because I am not greedy but The Broke and the Bookish said choose ten, so ya know....

The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell :: I have a habit of buying books for other people that I want to read because I love to share the love. I bought this for my Dad and now Im like dammit I really wanna borrow that.

Anything by Rainbow Rowell :: Because even though I have only read Landline I already know I love her writing.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Illustrated version :: It's so pretty! I still don't own a copy of the first HP book as I think I borrowed it from a friend to read so what better edition to have than a beautifully illustrated one?!

The Wild Rose by Jennifer Donnelley :: This is the best historical fiction series ever and I need to finish it!

Lair of Dreams by Libba Bray :: Oh boy I cannot wait to read this sequal to The Diviners and if I found it under the tree might just do a tiny squeal of delight.

A Collective Magazine subscription :: I dont read magazines much any more as I get my fashion and beauty fix from the many babes in the blogosphere but Collective magazine are so awesomely inspiring focusing on young entrepreneurs and how to live your dreams.

A pretty notebook :: I am all about using pretty planners in the New Year and as of yet haven't found one for 2016. Hint, hint.

A surprise :: I love books but I also like suprise books!

The Glam Guide by Fleur de Force :: I love getting books that are both useful in substance but also really pretty! Having read Sally Hughes' Pretty Honest last year I've kind of caught the beauty bug and Fleur is one of my favourite and most trusted Youtubers!

Emma by Jane Austen :: I've been meaning to get around to reading some more Jane Austen since I read Pride and Prejudice almost two years ago now. I love the cloth bound covers that her books come in and Emma is a story I already know and not just to the Clueless adaptation.

What books are you hoping Santa brings to you this year?


  1. Illustrated Harry Potter! Yes yes yes yes yes! Definitely on my wishlist too. It's just SO FLIPPIN' BEAUTIFUL!

    I Santa delivers some of these titles to you! Happy Holidays!

    My TTT

    1. Haha it is gorgeous! I haven't seen a real life copy yet but I bet they look AMAZING!!!

  2. I love that cover of The Bone Clocks. I don't know if it is something I would ever read, but I see a lot of people picking it up. Hope you get all your holiday wishes!

    1. It's so pretty!! I usually dont go for science fiction but I saw a booktube review for The Bone Clocks where some of the passeges of text were read out and it actually sounds really funny and the characters seem very well written so im excited to give it a try!

  3. I would be SO lucky if I received these, sadly it's not gunna happen but wishlists are great for dreaming :)

  4. I got my husband the illustrated HP book for Christmas - it is GORGEOUS!!! Hope you do find it under your tree :) My TTT

  5. Did you end up getting any of these? I got the illustrated HP. It's amazing! I also got the Jane Austen collection in those Penguin Classics cloth bound editions! They are glorious! :D


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