Sunday 11 October 2015

New Release Books | October 2015

It's a new month which means new books are droppin'. This month some of my most loved authors are releasing novels which makes me pretty happy. As usual all of my favourite genre's are covered with a little historical fiction, crime and thriller novels making the cut. Ooh there's even some YA in there too:

These Shallow Graves by Jennifer Donnelly :: As a big fan of Donnelly's Tea Rose series (which I'm still to finish, they're just so emotionally exhausting I need a break in between!) I'm really intrigued to read her Young Adult novels. This is actually a historically set novel, so I'm not exactly branching out of my comfort zone there but baby steps people, baby steps. Set in the gilded age of New York (which is around the turn of the 19th century for all of you who didn't have to Wikipedia that....) Josephine Montfort lives a life of comfort thanks to her old money family. But when her father dies, Jo's rosy outlook on life does too and there may be more to his death than first expected.

Career of Evil by Robert Galbraith :: Yussss, book number three by Ms Harry Potter herself is finally dropping this month and to be honest who cares what the plot is 'cause we all know I'm going to run out and buy it regardless of whether anything exciting happens. Fortunately Galbraith has thought up a plot and it sounds like a goodie. When Robin Ellacott, assistant to private detective Cormoran Strike opens a package destined for her boss, she's shocked to find a severed limb inside. Cormoran less so, but the list of people who aren't happy with him - and might take to severing legs in rage - is long enough. With the police being their usual useless selves, Cormoran and Robin set out to solve the case.

The Lake House by Kate Morton :: When Sadie Sparrow takes a hiatus from her job with the metropolitan police, she takes refuge at her grandfathers country house. But the house holds mysteries of its own that Sadie feels compelled to solve. While this sounds a little bit par-for-the-course for a Kate Morton novel I really enjoy the way she interweaves the stories of the past into the present time.

What books are you most looking forward to being released this month?



  1. I liked the first 2 Robert Galbraith books, I'm excited for this one too!

    1. They are so good! I love that JK is still writing new books even if they are not Harry Potters haha


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