Thursday 11 June 2015

Buying Books For The Sake Of It

If there is one thing that book blogging has opened my eyes to, it's the share numbers of books published each month. This is undoubtedly a good thing and with the rise of indie and self-publishing there has never been a better time to be a writer and a reader. But with so many books on the market how do you go about picking the ones that truly sparkle and excite us as readers?

I've fallen into thinking the 'more is better' approach is something I need to keep up with especially since having my own blog and feeling a need to keep it updated with new book reviews all the time, but I think it's important to remember that owning lots of books has nothing to do with how great you are as a blogger or how passionate you are as a reader. There is no prerequisite for having a passion for something and whether you buy, borrow or or blog for books it doesn't matter whether you have a bookshelf made up of one or one hundred titles.

Before I left New Zealand and packed up my belongings I realised how many books I owned that would either never be read, finished or picked up again, and it just seemed like such a waste to own things that end up unused. Getting a bookshelf full of much loved titles isn't exactly easy and there are always going to be totally dud books we've spent money on that don't live up to expectations but I think there are lots of ways we can still enjoy being readers and not feel like we have to own every single copy we want to read.

Personally I think library's are so under utilised and are a great way to read new authors and try new genre's with zero commitment. Plus your doing your community a favour by helping using a service that benefits everyone including those that can't afford to buy copies of their favourite books. Added to that the price of e-books and there are heaps of ways to explore new authors without having to always part with your cash. Swapping books with friends, advanced review copies and book blogger reviews are all great ways to find new books and authors that perhaps then become staples on our bookshelves.

Do you ever get caught up in buying books just for the sake of it?


  1. I have to admit that I am trying to avoid buying books unless I am certain I will read them in a reasonable time frame. I am buying fewer books but buying with more discernment and I am allowing myself the luxury of occasionally buying a slightly more expensive edition of a classic title if I know I will re-read it or someone else in my family will read it. Libraries are always such a great idea, they really are great for letting you try out an author without any expense to you. Libraries really are magic resources.

  2. Now that I have a Kindle and access to hundreds (thousands?) of Ebooks, I do go on downloading book shopping sprees. But a house isn't a "home" without a bookshelf.


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