Monday 18 May 2015

Reasons Paper Books Will Always Win My Heart

A little while ago I summed up all the reasons that e-books were earning a place in my (digital) bookshelf but paper copies will always be my one true love. Sure they are heavier, more expensive and cumbersome than their digital counterparts but I truly think paper will always have its place. Here are six reasons that paper books will always be my favourite form of media:

A Love For Beautiful Covers. I feel like people who love vinyl over CDs understand the love for beautifully designed covers. They add to the story inside, provoking emotions and the atmosphere that lies beneath their casing. Plus, who among us doesn't have a life goal of all of their favourite books dressed up at their finest? Which leads me onto...

So Many #Bookshelf Goals. I've always wanted to have a room in my house dedicated to solely books, preferably filled with big squishy chairs and a roaring fire when I can get all snuggly and read.

Perusing Bookshops Is Better Than Online. Sure, it's lovely to be able to peruse the shelves of online book retailers at 11pm in your pajamas but is there anything better than walking into an actual bookshop filled with actual books? I love that online books are very easy to find and buy but when I don't know what I'm in the mood for, searching the aisles of a bookshop is the best way to find out.

It's All In The Sensory Experience. The weight and feel of a book in your hands, it's shiny sparkling cover and the whoosh of air in every page turn all add to the experience. Extra points go to books that are so well loved their pages are yellowed with age and they still have that musty bookshop smell.

Discovering Cute Little Notes. I'm not one to write in any of my books but my Dad has a really cute habit of writing his name and year he purchases each book in the inner cover which always makes me smile a little whenever I borrow a copy and see the inscription.

Dreaming of Holding My Own Book. Any person that dreams of writing their own book probably imagines the feelings of holding the paper copy in their hands.

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