Wednesday 15 April 2015

The Penguin Bookshelf

The 'Popular Penguin' series of books are some of my favourite to buy. Not only do they look tres chic on the bookshelf but at around ten dollars they are a complete steal. I've rounded up a few of my favourite from the orange and pink series (the pink covers donate $1 from each book sold to Breast Cancer research) and a few I'd like to add to my collection. 

Brideshead Revisited. This book was recommended to me by a colleague who also introduced me to 'All the Pretty Horses' by Cormac McCarthy, which is one of my favourite books (and authors) ever. So, I'm trusting his judgement again and adding this modern classic to my reading list. 

Perfume: The Story of a Murderer. This book has been on my to read list for about two or three years now. Jean-Baptiste is abandoned in the slums of Paris, his only blessing an incredible sense of smell. This gift leads Jean to master the art of Perfume making, but there is one smell that has always alluded him, the smell of a virgin, and one that leads him down a path of lust, desire and deadly obsession.

Lolita. Another classic that I have been meaning to read for ages. I've actually picked this up from the library on more than one occasion and then set it back. There's no denying that the subject matter is icky which is the main issue putting me off reading, but it's also lauded as one of the most beautiful pieces of writing from the 20th century.

Pride and Prejudice. One of my favourite classics that I don't actually own a copy of, I'd love to add this pink Penguin version to my bookshelf.

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. I'm a huge fan of Huckleberry Finn but have never read this book. I love that Mark Twain's books are filled with adventure and so easy to read. This would be a great one for when I'm not in the mood for anything serious.

Breakfast at Tiffany's. I already own this book (in the orange cover version) but have included it here for any fans of the movie. Holly Golightly is just as sparkly - if not more - on the page and I fully implore you to read this Capote classic if you haven't already.

Love in the Time of Cholera. A passionate and sensuous book about not giving up on love, I would happily add this orange covered version to my collection.

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