Monday 6 April 2015

The Beauty Bible: Pretty Honest by Sali Hughes

If you are interested in makeup or beauty then Sali Hughes' book Pretty Honest belongs on your nightstand. As a journalist and a woman who has worked in the beauty industry her words carry weight. This is a beauty book like no other I have read. Filled with actual words (rather than pictures) Sali's honest advice on everything from eye creams (she doesn't believe in them) to makeup for everyone from new mums to fresh faced teens, she is a woman to be listened to.

What I loved about this book aside from the fact that it is overly word heavy - honestly I find beauty books filled with pictures to be entirely useless when their is a never ending array of skin tones, hair textures and colours in the world and most of the time they feature one generic light skinned, medium skinned and dark skinned model (if you are lucky) for each look -  is it can be picked up and read from chapter to chapter easily. Small bite sized bits of very informative and handy beauty advice and tips are laid out on each page. I read the first half of this book in drips and drabs and then binge-read the second, getting sucked into Sali's advice.

There is so much good stuff in here that I can see myself referring to her book time and again whenever I need answers. Sali is like the older, wiser sister every girl or woman needs to ask advice from but more than that it was actually just a real joy to read. Sali has a real passion for makeup that I think everyone from the beauty beginner to the beauty junkie will enjoy spending their time getting lost into. This is a book that I will be keeping close to hand for any of my future beauty quesitons I know that amidst its pages Sali will have something to say on the matter.

And, just to give you a wee taster here are five suprising things I've learnt from Sali through reading:

  • Sali doesn't believe in eye creams instead opting for a normal night cream in their place.
  • Razors should only be used five times before their blades need to be replaced.
  • Teeth whitening is more effective than a face lift in chanelling a youthful look.
  • Blue eyeshadow can be fabulous.
  • Compliments are like medicine. You may not want to take them, but ultimately they are good for you.

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