Sunday 30 August 2015

What I'm Watching On Netflix

Netflix has officially turned me into a binge-watching television monster and I'm really okay with this. Since I'm always looking for new shows to delve into I thought I would share my favourites so you too can lose hours of your life in the best way possible.

Pretty Little Liars. With the finale airing recently and the true identity of 'A' being discovered I realised this is one show I had never sat down and watched. Being a former fan girl of Gossip Girl I thought it was probably something I should remedy and a recent sick day had me curled up on the couch for what was definitly an unhealthy amount of time. Kind of a guilty pleasure but one I'm not ashamed to admit. Hopefully I can avoid any spoilers on who A is by the time I get to the end of the last season.

House of Cards. Frank and Claire Underwood are a power couple not to be messed with as the first couple of seasons have seen careers destroyed and enemies taken care of in a very Sopranos-like way. I can't even tell you how many times I've been shocked by Frank's ruthlessness and he's definitily a character I love to hate.

Vikings. Bearded, shirtless, muscled Viking dudes with man buns, is there ever a better descriptive sentence than that? But there's also a plot that I really like, some awesome characters including kick arse ladies and not to mention a fascinating culture with rituals, gods and the occasional sacrifice to be kept up with.

Sens8. I absolutely loved this programme and I think we watched the first season in record time. Eight people across the world are connected through their shared use of senses allowing each person to use their abilities to help one another.

Orphan Black. This show needs to be watched if only to see the amazing transformation of it's lead actress who plays about 90% of characters on the show. When Sarah witnesses the suicide of a woman who looks identical to herself she plans on stealing her identity but ends up discovering a secret about her own origins.

Black Sails. This one's not strictly on Netflix (it screens on the History channel) but fans of Vikings will surely enjoy this Carribean-located series about pirates. Apparantly this is a prequel to Treasure Island but all you really need to know is this series has it all - dishy men, sword fights, love triangles and a beautiful island location.

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