Sunday 23 August 2015

What I'm Reading On Bloglovin'

L-R Impression Blend, Coco Chic, Vivianna Does Makeup, The Londoner,
I Covet Thee, Wholefood Simply, Cider With Rosie
It's been about seven years since I first discovered blogging, firstly as a reader rather than a writer and in that time my tastes have certainly changed. While I used to be solely fashion-obsessed when it came to perusing the internet I've found over time my tastes have bounced back and forward between different topics but now I have a fairly broad range of subjects I like to read about. I've put together a little list of my favourite bloggers (and Youtubers) in case you're looking for a little inspiration.

Two years ago a quick Google of 'drugstore beauty skincare' was all it took to get me hooked on beauty blogs and makeup in general. As someone who grew up pretty much a total tomboy with no such clue as to what and where and how to use most of these products I've certainly developed a bit of an obsession with affordable and high end skincare and makeup. British beauty girls seem to be my favourite for their clear skin, neutral eye looks and bold lippy shades.
My Favourites: Vivianna Does Makeup, Hello October, I Covet Thee

I actually don't read a tonne of book blogs as I find a lot of content is very Young Adult based and I don't read a lot from this genre (despite my attempts). I also find I get a lot more inspiration for my own blog by reading from a wider variety of blogs than just those that focus on books but the bloggers I do follow always have great recommendations!
My Favourites: Impression Blend, Fiction Book Review, Feed Your Head, Books Beauty Amerie,

Healthy Eating
My boyfriend finds it amusing that whenever I'm on a healthy eating site it's because I want to bake something yummy and not for all the other equally nutritious recipes I could be whipping up for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I have really missed baking every since I cut back on eating sugar and so many snack foods and healthy alternatives have really filled the gap. I've found that traditional baking is often too sweet for me now but since I love the act of baking this is a nice alternative.
My Favourites: Deliciously Ella, Madeline Shaw, Wholefood Simply

I think lifestyle blogs are actually one of my favourite genre's to read but also the hardest to find that appeal to my tastes since nearly everything can be classified as 'lifestyle.' My favourites tend to have a little bit of everything from travel posts to coffee spots and festivals.
My Favourites: Cider With Rosie, The Londoner, From Roses

Compared to a few years ago when my Bloglovin' feed was cluttered with only outfit posts, I'm fairly restrained in this department now. Too much lusting after clothes that half the time aren't appropriate for my lifestyle or climate had left me a little burnt out but there are still some bloggers that I love visiting frequently for a fashion fix. I'm still on the hunt for more Australian fashion bloggers that are more aimed at a mid range price market (otherwise a girl can go broke) so any suggestions are welcome!
My Favourites: Fleur de Force, Lily Melrose, Flip & Style, Coco Chic

I'd love to know what genres of blogs or Youtubers you love reading when you're not keeping up with book blogs? I'm always looking for new blogs, big or small, to delve into so leave any that you love that you think I might too down in the comments!


  1. Aww.. thank you for mentioning my blog, Francesca, how very nice of you!

    I also like reading Viviana Does Makeup, the blogger (Anna?) always looks flawless. I wish I had her skill (and budget to buy all those fancy products :P)

    Hope you are feeling better now :)

    1. You're welcome! I think your blog was the first book blog I subscribed to!


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